
Use Of Suspense In The Abandoned Farmhouse

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Text Connection Essay “‘Watch out!” screamed Maggie. Suddenly the road took a sharp turn, and a huge oak tree loomed in my headlights”(Shusterman 39). When Neal Shusterman uses suspense it’s usually in a way that would probably end badly. He loves to try and hook the reader with suspense, so then the readers would want to keep reading that same book. As evidence in Full Tilt by Neal Shusterman and “The Abandoned Farmhouse” by Ted Kooser, suspense can be effectively created through the use of imagery. Neal Shusterman effectively uses imagery to create suspense in his novel, Full Tilt. “ All at once the train swung around an outside curve, its riders screaming with joy, completely unaware of my idiot brother directly in their path”(Shusterman 8). This quote from Full Tilt is an example of imagery because, it is showing how Quinn is on the track of the roller coaster, and the coaster was probably going to hit Quinn.This quote creates suspense by showing how Blake’s brother could’ve gotten hit or killed if he hadn’t grabbed him off the tracks, and that leaves the readers thinking, what’s going to happen. “ I could see the very top of a Ferris wheel rising above the fog, churning the moonlit mist like a riverboat paddle” (Shusterman 40). This quote shows the method of imagery by giving a deeply descriptive sentence about what the sky looks like. This quote creates suspense because, right before this quote in the book it says things about how horrid the carnival was. The way

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