
Suspense In The Westing Game By Ellen Raskin

Decent Essays

The Westing Game written by Ellen Raskin is a mystery. This book is about a man named Samuel W. Westing (a.k.a. Windy Windkloppel, Barney Northrup, Sandy McSouthers, and Julian R. Eastman) creating a game to find the one that had murdered him. The murderer is among the 16 chosen heirs ( Turtle Wexler, Flora Baumbach, Christos “Chris” Theodorakis, Doctor Denton Deere, Alexander “Sandy” McSouthers, Judge Josie-Jo Ford, Grace Windsor “Windkloppel” Wexler, James Shin Hoo, Sydelle Pulaski, Angela Wexler, Madame Sun Lin Hoo, Jake Wexler, Theo Theodorakis, Doug Shin Hoo, Otis Amber, and Berthe Erica Crow) and the one who finds out the murderer will win $200 million. Each pair of Westing heirs gets a set of clues and try to figure out what is the …show more content…

For example, when Angela Wexler a perfect child who would not do anything harmful bombed her own face only to get caught by her mother, who cares so much about her. In the story it states that “ Angela glanced at her watch and reached for the tall, thin carton wrapped in gold foil.”this quote shows us that Angela knows when and where (it was in the parcel) the bomb in the Wexlers apartment will explode (Raskin 112). The reason why this part of the story shows suspense is because we don’t know the intentions of Angela, until the clues we find later in the story shows us Angela’s actual intention was to get caught by her mother and be an actual normal being. Another example of suspense is the cliffhangers. The reason why cliffhangers are suspenseful because they leave the reader dangling with questions, and want to read on to know more. A good example of a cliffhanger is after Turtle finds the answer to the game, we think Angela and Dr Deere are getting married, but it is actually Crow and Otis Amber’s wedding, which is very awkward moreover, we never knew what happened between them, like you don’t know what is happening when you are absent (Raskin 207). All of these are good examples of suspense which a good mystery novel …show more content…

For example, one type of red herring is Otis Amber. The reason why Otis Amber is a red herring is because the clues lead to him, such as Chris, and Denton Deere's clues (grains=Oats=Otis Amber), and Theo Theodorakis, and Doug Hoo's clues ({on=1 to=2 thee=3 for=4}= a chemical solution, and Otis), but he is not the answer, in fact Julian R.Eastman was the answer and the clues was to keep the reader off track from the real goal. In the story it states that Otis was a wrong answer, but the heirs still insist Otis is the culprit, but it's actually not (Raskin 117). Another red herring is the clues given to the heirs. The set of clues given to each and every heir don’t lead to the answer they are leading the heirs a different way, and it misleads the reader, and as it states in the book the westing will said it was what you don't have that counts which was the will (Raskin 43). All these reasons support the fact that there are red herrings in this book and it is required for a mystery. The story Westing Game is a good mystery book to read since it contains suspense and red herring’s which is required in a good mystery novel. Another reason why this was considered a mystery was because of the cliffhangers. Honestly I am wondering what has happened between the time gaps and think the word choice of the author was limited when she was foreshadowing and she left us solving the mystery ourselves. Well this

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