
Similarities Between Night And A Walk On The Long Stone Serpent

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People do terrible things. Terrible things lead to mourning, anger, and sadness. In the book “Night” by Elie Wiesel and the short story “A Walk on the Long Stone Serpent” both authors describe their experience looking back on a time where a dreadful thing happened. They both portray their message of remembrance and attitude towards their experience through tone and imagery. Each author’s use of imagery and the tones they convey allow the reader to understand how they felt during their experience looking back.

One way the authors reveal their attitude towards their experience is imagery. In the novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel and the Short Story “A Walk on the Long Stone Serpent” the two author’s use of imagery is similar because they both allow …show more content…

In “Night” Elie Wiesel states “On everyone’s back, there was a sack. In everyone’s eyes, tears and distress. Slowly, heavily, the procession was enough to make the scene seem surreal.” The imagery Wiesel includes helps to create a comprehension of the strife and hopelessness of the procession. He informs the reader of how impossible to believe and absolutely sickening this experience was. He uses the words “tears” and “distress” to detail the way a hopeless person looks. Furthermore he also describes the procession as “Heavy” giving the readers a grasp on the burden of this procession. Similarly in “A Walk on the Long Stone Serpent” the author uses imagery when he states “I closed my eyes and tried to visualize those men and women who had carried the very stones I was now seeing in the wall. I pictured thousands of …show more content…

In both of the writing's a distinct attitude was illustrated. Their tones and outlook towards their experience are evident in both pieces but vary wildly. Throughout the Novel “Night” Elie’s attitude and tone ranges from baffled to expectant and skeptical to hopeless. He slowly grows numb to the madness and is no longer surprised by the terrible thing that have happened. He states things out right and is so used to death that he claims to live inside of it. This tone is shown when he states “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed. Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky. Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever.” This shows his tone as hopeless and numb. That all normal human reaction has been consumed. He has grown used to this syndrome of death and has almost no human left in him. He says “that consumed my faith forever” to help the reader understand just how much the sight affected him and how he felt towards it all. In contrast to this the author is the short story “A Walk on the Long Stone Serpent” has a much more bewildered and reverent approach to understanding this event. In the story the author states “I stopped and looked out over the side, feeling terribly insignificant and small in this place,

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