
Raymond Carver Cathedral Essay

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The Complexity of Carver and a Church building
Raymond Craver’s short story, “Cathedral,” it is a very complex yet simple story to understand. Carver has been known throughout his career as being a minimalist, and in his short story “Cathedral” it is not exempt from his minimalism, and is more commonly known as a turning point in his career from the overall hopeless tones, and themes in his previous works to having a more optimistic approach even admitting it in Daniel Lehman’s article “Symbolic Significance in the Stories of Raymond Carver" in a Paris Review interview Carver states that it is his “break-through story”. In the story, the narrator interacts with his wife’s blind friend for the first time before facing an experience later throughout the story as the blind man known as Robert asks to describe what a cathedral looks like which relays to the title of the short story, and many article writers such as Diane Henningfield, Carol Simpson, and Chris Bullock go into detail as to how Carver uses different methods to tell the story and express his style of story telling. “Cathedral” is written in such a way that the reader is able to grasp what is happening in the story, and connect with the characters as the author uses character contrasts, interactions, and responses to using the lack of details along with the subtle uses of metaphors and symbolisms while the story itself reflects Carver’s minimalism, and changes in his works.
Craver uses his minimalism to encourage the

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