
Analysis Of The Story ' Cathedral ' By Raymond Carver

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The Story “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver is about true blindness and the effects of emotional contact. Peterson studies the use of determiners, a and the, that refer to the blind man in the story and its effects to establish the atmosphere of the story. He states that the change in determiner seems subtle, but these subtle changes are significant because the changes show how narrator feel about Robert throughout the story. Nesset studies the sexual polices and the love lives in several Carver’s stories. He discusses how Carver wrote his stories based on less of love and more of love withdrawal. Also Facknitz addresses rediscovery of human worth and the effects of emotional touch by discussing three short stories written by Carver. He analyses each narration of the narrator and comments based on psychological manner. The story “Cathedral” suggests the meaning of true blindness does not only refer to physical disability; it refers to those people who cannot see the world from other’s perspectives and it can be overcome through emotional contact.
The story “Cathedral” by Carver Raymond was published in 1983, when about 11.7 percent of the US population was considered poor by government standards (Aker 45). Tim Akers mentions that around this year, the wages people got from their employers were not sufficient to raise them out of the poverty level (Aker 45). Akers adds that like in the 1980s, Carver experienced poverty even though both he and his wife worked for a living (Aker

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