
Cathedral By Raymond Carver Analysis

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Being different from other people is difficult to deal with in life, yet, we judge people who are different from us. Robert, a blind man, from a short story called, “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver is a wonderful book and a life lesson story. Robert is a blind man who had a strong friendship with Bub’s wife. Bub is the husband and isn’t really that type of person anyone would get along with.Throughout the story bub wasn’t very fond of Robert because he would get jealous that his wife would be more interested towards Robert. Robert and bub’s wife were best friends before bub married her. Roberts personality was interesting and a person who you would want to know in life. Throughout the end of the story, Carver, the author, sends a heartwarming message to the audience that can change your view in things in life. In the story, Robert was very easy going, shady and creative. From the start where Robert was introduced in the story, Carver, the author, presented Robert to be very easy-going. The story showed that even though he had many problems in his past life he doesn’t seemed to be bothered by anything. For example, Carver states, “Goddamit it, his wife just died! Don’t you understand that? The man’s lost his wife!”(3) Yet he still continues with his life as normal person. He’s not a person who creates problems he just goes through and fixes them. Robert doesn’t mind anything at all nothing seems to annoy him or bother him. For instance, when Robert and Bub were watching TV, Bub

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