
The Role Of The Husband In Raymond Carver's Cathedral

Decent Essays

In the short story, “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver, it all began when the narrator’s wife invites her blind friend Robert over to visit her and her husband. Her husband has normal vision, but in the beginning of the story, he is the one that is blind. For example, he is close minded and stereotypical about this blind man arriving at their home. The husband’s words and actions when dealing with Robert is that the husband is uncomfortable, awkward, and mean. As the story progresses, we can see a change in the husband, and he seems to connect with Robert.
In the beginning of the story the husband seems uncomfortable with having a blind man in his house. For example, he says, “a blind man in my house is not something I look forward to” (185). The husband is uncomfortable with first meeting Robert even though Robert seems fine as we can see in this quote. “the blind man let go of his suitcase and up came his hand. I took it. He squeezed hard, held my hand, and then he let go. I feel like we have already met, he boomed. Likewise, I said. I didn’t know what else to say” (186). The husband is clearly uncomfortable and awkward in the beginning and this leads to some of the mean comments said about Robert. …show more content…

“And then I found myself thinking what a pitiful life this woman must had led. Imagine a woman who could never see herself as she was seen in the eyes of her loved one.” (186) This quotation expresses that the husband views relationships on appearance and nothing else. Another mean comment that the husband makes is about Roberts appearance. “A beard on a blind man! Too much, I say” (186). This quotation is showing that the husband is labeling the blind man but as Robert and the husband get know each other things start to change between the two of

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