
##otional And Psychological Blindness In Raymond Carver's 'Cathedral'

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Being blind manifest itself in a lot of ways. The most harmful type of this condition may be figurative blindness of one’s own situations and ignorance towards the feelings of others. Within Raymond Carver’s short story “Cathedral,” the narrator’s emotional and psychological blindness is at once obvious. The narrator faces many issues as well as the turn-around experienced at the culmination of the tale are the main ideas for the theme of this story; and these ideas aid the narrator in eventually develop the character transformation by simply regarding the literal blind man in a positive light.
The narrators statement at the very beginning of the story explains his own lack of knowledge about physical blindness. His lack of knowledge relating to the visitor’s disability is not deniable, yet he makes it very clear that he is aware of his ignorance, saying that he was not happy about his visit. “He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered me. My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed. Sometimes seeing-eye dogs led them. A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to.” (90) These statements explain his entire attitude about Robert, the house guest, and other blind people in general at the onset of the story, giving the narrator an instant feeling of exactly who the narrator and even what he may turn out to be. While there are many undertones concerning other things about which he is

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