
The Dynamic Character In Carver's Cathedral By Raymond Carver

Decent Essays

In the short story “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver, the narrator is a dynamic character because of the way his thoughts adjust throughout the entirety of the story. The beginning of the story shows the narrator only being able to see physical things with his eyes. By the end, the narrator sees a different perspective through his imagination. Robert, the blind man that visits the narrator and his wife, brings out the imagination from within the narrator. The narrator is a dynamic character because he changes his judgment of Robert from a more prejudice view to a more acceptable one. The beginning of the story presents the narrator’s wife working for a blind man one summer by reading, “stuff to him, case studies, reports, that sort of thing” (Carver, 34). She eventually extends an invitation for the blind man, Robert, to stay at their house after Robert’s wife had passed away. The narrator was not too happy about having a stranger stay in his home by stating, “I wasn’t enthusiastic about his visit. He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered me. My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed” (Carver, 34). The narrator seems very timid about someone he had never met stay at his house who can see purely nothing. This gives off an impression that the narrator doesn’t want to have Robert stay with him because he will be a hassle to keep up with since blind people in the “movies” progress, “slowly and never

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