
Theme Of Isolation In Cathedral By Edmond Carver

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Raymond Carver’s short story “Cathedral” and Edward Hopper’s painting Sunday depict depression and isolation by showing in the painting a man sitting by himself creating a feeling of him being alone, and in “Cathedral” in an internal way of the narrator not really seeing the beauty in the world. Raymond Carver is a previous alcoholic who adds in alcohol in his short stories such as “Cathedral”. Carver has the narrator always drinking, he mentions that in the house they have a bit of every kind of alcohol. Representing his feeling of being alone just like the man in Edward Hopper’s painting, Sunday. In the painting there is a man sitting on the curb smoking, he looks very depressed just like the narrator in the short story, although he shows depression in numerous different ways. Raymond Carver and Edward Hopper together create a very mellow and …show more content…

Then we made ourselves comfortable and talked about Robert’s travels,” (Carver 217). In the painting by Hopper, there is no alcohol, but there is isolation, sorrow, and a cigar. The cigar shows loneliness, maybe weakness. The narrator and his wife in “Cathedral” have a nightly habit of smoking, “He inhaled, held the smoke, and then let it go. It was like he’d been doing it since he was nine years old. ‘Thanks, bub,’ he said. ‘But I think this is all for me. I think i'm beginning to feel it,’ he said. He held the burning roach out for my wife,” (Carver 221). Smoking is the narrator's way of feeling happier, he does not feel so sorrow and alone, “Every night I smoked dope and stayed up as long as I could before I fell asleep. My wife and I had hardly went to bed at the same time,” (Carver 222). Although the husband and wife do not sleep in the same room, smoking is something they always do

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