
Raymond Carver Cathedral Essay

Decent Essays

In the “Cathedral,” Raymond Carver tried to portray two different aspects of blindness; one is a person who physically unable to see the world due to lack of eyes and other aspect concerns about narrator’s and his wife’s blindness who are not blind physical but socially and emotionally. In this story, there are various metaphors of blindness. One example of which is a blind person helping the other person (who is not visually impaired) to draw cathedral even though he hasn't seen one. Blindness is not a physical inability of a person; it's beyond than that. In the “Cathedral,” Robert wasn’t the one that was blind however, the narrator was blind. According to the narrator, blindness is an inability of a person to see the …show more content…

Ability to see is the only thing that matters to the narrator and he didn't even try to see the things beyond the surface, that's why he doesn't really know his wife well. Robert, on the other hand, is the one who has the ability to “see” on a much deeper level than the narrator. In the story, the only conversation happened between the narrator and his wife were mean trades in which the narrator does minimal more than irritate her. Robert understands narrator's wife more profoundly than the narrator despite the fact that Robert can't physically see narrator's wife. Robert can feel the things by touching them. Robert did not let blindness define or limit him to “see” with his eyes he found another way to visualize what the narrator was witnessing through his other heightened senses (i.e. touch, movement) not inhibiting him as an individual. Robert was able to make a picture of a thing or a person in his mind by simply touching it that’s why he asked to touch the face of narrator’s wife. Even at the end, when the narrator was trying to describe a cathedral to Robert, he asked the narrator to draw cathedral with him, so that Robert can visualize cathedral by movement of his hand. Instead of Robert, the narrator was blinded by his own thoughts. In the end of the story, He said, “My eyes were still closed. I was in my house. I knew that. But I didn’t feel like I was inside anything.” At the point where

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