
Plagiarism In The School Environment

Good Essays

Plagiarism is the uses of someone else work and authored it as one’s own work. In a school environment, it is basically the use of someone else research or publication either a book or even an article on a review without mentioning him or her as if it was the student’s own ideas or work. Per Roig and DeTommaso, 1991, stated in their research that Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty and cheating. They also stated that there are many factors that lead to these dishonesties. It is one of the primary problems in academic life and it is a simple subject to draw, but badly to keep off. Plagiarism has become one of the major issues among university students around the world. It is one type of academic misconduct which, is treated seriously in today's universities. Plagiarism is something that is not valued, ignores, or excused in any part of the education process. Either is it supported in whatever type of assignment. Plagiarizing does not only steal someone else’s work; it also robs students from the learning experience that they can earn on the assignment. It promotes laziness and shortcut that can be bad for the school environment. Plagiarism can affect a school badly because it will give the school bad names and downgrade it prestige. First, it is believed that the issue of plagiarism may affect the corporate image of an institution of higher education. It is very important to study the relationship and impact of plagiarism in higher education to sustain

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