
The Major Causes And Effects Of Plagiarism In Schools

Decent Essays

In today’s world, Plagiarism has become a common problem within our education, from Junior High students who copy last minute homeworks, to prestigious Harvard undergrads working toward their degrees. But what exactly is Plagiarism? Richard Posner, a former judge to the court of appeals, defines it as “unacknowledged copying, whether of copyrighted or uncopyrighted work”. Plagiarism, affects student bodies in it’s entirety. However, why do students feel the need to cheat? A major influence that makes students more prominent to cheating is the rigorous school work, and lack of student-teacher connection in Universities. This problem of plagiarism that has surfaced in today's world is due to the lack of attention within educational administrators. College administrators must strengthen the student-teacher relationships, and apply the curriculum to the needs of each specific student in order to maintain academic integrity within the student body. This epidemic affects much of the student body within Universities, James Lang, the director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at Assumption, states that 75 percent of college students have admit to cheating once in their educational career. College courses are very rigorous, and highly populated with students who all want to achieve success; this sets a very high bar of competition within our school system. Going through an education system your performance is constantly being monitored, from receiving elementary school rewards

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