
Plagiarism In School

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Another problem is that teens stay up late at night using the phone and do not get enough sleep for school the next day. Turkle explains, “Teenagers say that they sleep with their cell phones, and even when their phones are put away---relegated, say, to a school locker---they know when their phones are vibrating” (493). Teenagers will be so tired the next day and will not have the energy to stay focused in class. Therefore, this can greatly impact their school performance and cause them not to pass their classes and might end up not graduating. School work can also be discouraging at times and teens will sometimes copy off another persons work off their cell phones website app or possibly cheat in class. Google is the main source used today to find information on just about anything. Google is a search engine that can locate websites that pertain to your search criteria. That being said, teens will use it to copy the information they find from Google and not give the authors credit for the work they did. Teachers can pick up on the student’s plagiarism because he/she knows how the students writing proficiency is. The teacher can also do a search by copying the students work and pasting it on the Google’s website. Any information that is found to be the same as the students work might be considered plagiarism if the work is not cited on the student’s paper. Teens can also discretely use their cell phones to cheat in class on an exam. Teenagers can get in trouble for this

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