
Personal Narrative: My Memoir Lead

Satisfactory Essays

Lead:My memoir is really about...the struggles in your life. Some you can overcome, and some you can’t When I was around three my mother got married too my step father his name was tony I don’t remember much from when I was younger but recently... What is your relationship with Tony like? It is sort of a up and down like he does struggle with being there and attending things or like I said waking me up so it makes it tough too care about him when I don’t know if he cares about me sometimes but their are moments when he can really show and it makes me happy I feel as though that does not happen since he has been injured Depends at some moments and some not so much but I feel as tho he has struggled as being father when me and George talked but the thing is the only reason we think that is because he broke his leg from falling down the stairs and injured his neck from a drinking and driving accident a while ago but he has really stopped waking us up or he used to play catch or go and walk but now he is too tired or in too much pain but he does buy items for us which is how he shows his “love” but that is hard for me he has also been their when it comes to food but any parenting objectives my mom tells him to do he struggles with being able to wake us up or know when to cook us food …show more content…

I think that he understood but he is in his 50’s and he doesn’t want to have to raise kids again he is also strangely lazy he lays down a lot or he will just sit in the kitchen he eats alot his favorite food is Reese’s ashley says he is going to have a reese's baby but I also fear of the fact that the food affects him too be more

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