
Personal Narrative: Memoir

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Memoir When I was 20 months old my partner in crime was born. Kensey Kaitlyn McKee was born March 7, 2002, and little did I know my life would be changed forever. I was not an only child anymore I now had a little sister who needed all the attention. Once Kensey was old enough to walk and talk that’s when we really started to have fun. We once got in trouble for wiping diaper rash cream all over our walls and mirrors, it was a disaster but I’m sure we were having the time of our lives. Another time we put our new kitten in a cooler in 100 degree weather for hours, and then finally one of us remembered where we had put her luckily the cat was just fine. We always had so much fun. I feel so bad for my parents at one point they had two toddler …show more content…

We were always getting in trouble for something. When I was 6 and Kensey was 4 our mom told us we were going to have a little brother. On May 31, 2006, Karsyn Avery Kirk McKee, the cutest little boy was born. Karsyn became my new doll, I loved watching him grow, and he amazes me every day. As Kensey and I got older our age difference started to become a problem. Karsyn was learing how to talk, so that meant arguing between the three of us. For a while Kensey was a tomboy so Karsyn and her would play because they both enjoyed the same things. As I got older they became more annoying every day, which caused us to fight. Kensey and I fight about everything, clothes, shoes, who does the dishes, who gets to take a shower first, any little thing. People may not think 20 months can make that big of a difference but it does. Karsyn gets on my nerves all the time, and he never leaves me alone. The 6-year difference between us makes me like his other mom, which im sure he hates. We fight constantly about everything, but were siblings, isn’t that what we should be good at? They both mean so much to me, and I really hope they know that. Karsyn has dyslexia, which causes him to have speech issues, but he does not let it distress him

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