
Personal Narrative: Memoir

Decent Essays


It was 8:30pm in my bedroom. I just got home from football practice like every other night. I was sitting on my blue and black bed.
My golden retriever dog, Cassie came into the room wagging her tail happy to see me. Cassie stares at me wanting to play a game of tug of war. I encourage my dog to hop onto my bed and she does so. Cassie spins in a circle and lays down. She stares out and over the stairs waiting for my mom and dad to walk up the loud stairs and say goodnight to me and my sister.
I have the worst headache I have ever had. The world is spinning around me. I rethink my football practice. We worked on conditioning and blocking. At the end of practice we did turfs. Turfs are where just one on one blocking and tackling.I …show more content…

My Mom knocks on the door and I say ,”Come in.” My parents walk into the room. Mom is wearing her blue scrubs from work and my dad is wearing a white t-shirt and some workout shorts. My mom had just gotten home from work in Boulder.
I am full from the dinner she just made. My mother asks if I had a good day. I do not know, I can’t think it is to hard to remember. I get frustrated at this simple question and don’t reply. I realize that I have not yet fed my bearded dragon Draco. I am angry at myself every night I forget and it makes me feel bad for the little guy. I get off of my bed and walk to my closet door where all my cloths and the food for Draco is. I open the door to get Draco’s food. I turn on the lights. There is a flash of red light and I stumble.
My Mom asks,”are you OK?”.
Am I Ok? In school I have done research on concussions and the symptoms for it in my language arts class. I wish I were Ok but I know in my gut it is not true. My brain is starting to hurt a lot and the pain is unbearable. I think about how concussions limits the amount of things people can do. No more running, no more books, no more TV, no more

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