
My Cultural Identity Analysis

Good Essays

Culture is something that can be defined in many different ways, including your values, beliefs, family, friends and even the music you listen to. All these aspects buildup to define who you are as a person. The way you grew up, who raised you, your goals, thoughts and ideas all contribute to who we are. My cultural identity is shaped by what is closest to me, my friends, family and music.
Since I was a child all my family has ever talked about was me having a Quinceañera. It is a part of Hispanic culture that represents when a girl turns 15 she is now becoming a woman. I had mine on January 16th, 2016. I recall waking up that day very nervous, but also very excited. After I was all dolled up, I had to go to church and have the ceremony performed, …show more content…

Throughout the short 15 and half years that I have been alive, I have been through many friendships. All of the friendships I had made were different, I had friends who related to my culture but also had their own culture. Currently, I have two very strong friendships, they each had their own sense of culture but we also shared certain points in which we would relate. I recall learning parts of their culture, which made my individual culture more diverse. I remember the physical elements like the different food and hair type, but I also remember the not so physical elements. For example, the way each friend would handle similar situations differently, how one could be so blunt, but the other could sugar coat anything. I could ask each of them for advice and it would be different from what I thought, so when it came time to plan the Quinceañera I asked each of them what they thought. They helped me come up with the list of other friends, the decorations and even just helped me through the stress of it all. Their support really helped and without them I probably would not have been able to get through it all. My friends were basically like my …show more content…

I realized although my cultural identity was influenced by music, my friends and family, that is all they were, an influence. I still have parts of my cultural identity that I cannot explain, parts that I have no idea where they came from, but that is okay. I have both my influences and my own ideas that make up my cultural

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