
My Cultural Identity

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My cultural identity, as I know is Mexican American because both my parents are born in Mexico and I was born here. I can also be defined as a Chicana because that is another way used to call a Mexican American. My culture can be seen in so many different ways like for example it can be seen in food, music, religion, dance, art, festivals, and even more. Most of these traditions have changed a little bit over time as they were brought to the U.S. What I mean by that is that some of those traditions were brought from Mexico, and had a little change into them because they were combined with some traditions that have already been here in the U.S.

An example of an important tradition in my culture would be a quinceanera. …show more content…

After bringing up so many topics like that I came to realize that having a quinceanera is a one in a lifetime celebration and it will be a memory that I can cherish forever. I was really excited to start planning. We went to the first banquet hall and I was in love with everything! It was so big with chandeliers everywhere, colorful lights going off and on, the dancefloor was pretty huge with a stage so that the band can play there and people can dance, and there were so many tables. I could just imagine how beautiful it would look once it was all decorated. Then we went to the church where my mother and father met, and booked the date for the ceremony. Once we booked the date at the church, I went into the actual church, bent down and I thanked God and the Virgin Mary for another day of life and for everything to go well as I planned my quinceanera. The mass ceremony is the most important part of a quinceanera because the Bible and the rosary, the tiara and or crown, the bouquet of flowers, and the people who accompany a quinceanera hold a spiritual meaning during the ceremony. The crown and or tiara represents the young woman as a princess in God’s eyes. The Bible and Holy rosary are both foundations of faith and gets blessed with Holy Water.

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