
Jonathan Edwards And Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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Two On-Time Sermons
One can hear a sermon any day of the week, because there are many preachers out there in the world. Many sermons are retold Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments that tell how our ancestors lived, and teach us life applications of how to glorify God while we are living our lives. For over a thousand years God’s word has been preached by many faithful men who follow Him. However, there were some of those faithful men who used God’s Word and their own improvisation to convict sinners and to put their trust in God. Those times resulted in an era called the Great Awakening of the 18th century and they also put an end to the segregation era of the 20th century. Two of the faithful men during those eras were …show more content…

“I Have A Dream”, became the most famous of his speeches, but people should also consider his other sermons, particularly, “Loving Your Enemies”. This sermon teaches us how we should love the people who hate us, and not hate them back. Kings’ purpose for preaching this sermon was because he wanted to provide answers. The segregation era of the 1900’s was a time when the white people were very racist to the black people and they separated areas of where the black people had to go. One example would be when the black people had to use the restroom and they could not use the white people’s restroom, they would have to like walk a mile to their restroom, labeled “Colored Only”, and they would be in dirty places, and that pitted the blacks against the whites. However, the purpose of preaching his sermon was because he wanted to show how Jesus’ teachings teach us not to hate our enemies, because in the sermon, “... this the very center of Jesus’ thinking, this is: that hate only intensifies the existence of hate and evil in the universe” (King 6). King wanted the people to think like how Jesus has thought when our hate is stirring up evil into the universe. Hate is one of the main values of sin that Satan wants us to have, so we must be able to overcome our hate with Christ’s love.
Throughout Edwards’ sermon, he used an amount of metaphorical imagery to persuade his listeners to confess their

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