
Jonathan Edwards Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

Decent Essays

Preacher Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, chides the people of the church and of the world, stating that they are not worthy of God’s mercy, that they will soon face his wrath if they do not change their ways. Edwards’ intent is to show the people of the congregation that they are not living the Christian life the way that God intends it. He includes metaphors and parallel structure, along with personification in order to get his audience to see that in the eyes’ of God, their ways are evil and they need to change. The title of the Sermon itself is enough to create fear among people who believe that everyone is sinful and that their God is full of wrath.In the early part of the essay, Edwards is describing how angry God is with the people in his congregation. He uses personification as a tool to make hell seem even more intimidating and scary. He begins describing the flames of hell as if they were living creatures. “The flames do now rage,” Edwards says while describing the wrath of God and the pit of hell. The …show more content…

He wants them to feel that they must change their sinning ways or be damned to hell and the eternal lake of fire. Edwards most powerful threat makes his church fear that “they are already under a sentence of condemnation to hell. They do not only justly deserve to be cast down thither, but sentence… of God… is gone out against them…” Every listener understands

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