
Interpreter Of Maladies By Raymond Mair Analysis

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“Cathedral” and “Interpreter of Maladies” In both “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver, and “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri, dysfunctional relationships are introduced between two characters; however, these relationships are greater in depth than a simple conflict and develop over time. Carver’s story begins with the narrator’s wife informing him of her close relations with Robert – the blind man – along with the many personal things she has shared with Robert; personal things consisting of her “[decision] to live away from her officer,” and later her divorce (Carver 35). This influenced the narrator’s reluctance to accept Robert, but the faith from the cathedral overpowered his distant behavior. Whereas, Lahiri creatively provokes dysfunction by illustrating misconceptions of a single word, “romantic”. Mrs. Das, a woman drowned in guilt and unhappiness refers to her tour guide’s – Mr. Kapasi – alternate job as an interpreter to be romantic; on the other hand, Kapasi, a man who longs for affection from a woman misunderstands her sudden interest for a physical and emotional attraction. Robert and the narrator’s relationship is more impactful than Mrs. Das and Mr. Kapasi because the narrator reaches an ultimate epiphany with the help of Robert. Prior to the narrator’s arrival to his epiphany in “Cathedral,” he had to overcome a barrier in his relationship with Robert. Carver creates dysfunction between the two men by publicizing the narrator’s unfavorable traits. Specifically, the narrator’s social isolation, which so illustrates the narrators lack of knowledge of the blind among many other things. An example of this is the narrator's statement “[i]’d always thought dark glasses were a must for the blind” at Robert’s arrival (Carver 38). However, the narrator never makes his bias known; therefore, the reader can presume that the root of the dysfunction is a direct consequence of the narrator’s internal conflict. Like the narrator, Mrs. Das is experiencing an internal conflict on how to deal with the consequences her extramarital affair initiated. Unlike Carver, Lahiri creates a dysfunctional relationship between Mrs. Das and Mr. Kapasi in “Interpreter of Maladies,” by the intentional word usage of

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