
The Cathedral By Raymond Carver

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In “The Cathedral” by Raymond Carver, a man named Robert is coming to spend the night at the narrator’s house. Robert is a friend of the narrator’s wife who happens to be blind, which doesn’t sit well with the narrator. Robert and his wife have a ten year relationship which started with her working for him. Since then they’ve stayed in contact by sending audiotapes to each other. When Robert reaches the house, the narrator is a bit uncomfortable. The first reason being because the man is blind, and secondly he’s not really sure what to say to a man who has a past with his wife. Soon after, the narrator sees that Robert isn’t initially what he thought the man would be like. Robert’s suggestion for the narrator to close his eyes while drawing the cathedral creates a different perspective for him, which allows him to realize it is he who is limited and cannot see, not Robert.
The narrator’s prejudice of blind men makes him unsure of Robert’s arrival. He wasn’t sure why or how his wife was able to retain a relationship with this blind man for so long. When he hears that Robert had a wife named Beulah that passed away he wonders how someone could have married such a man like Robert and stayed with him for eight years. The narrator thought it was just pitiful marriage on Beulah’s behalf because to his understanding there would be restrictions since Robert cannot see. The narrator’s ignorance is clearly revealed when he says, “He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered me.

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