
Controversy Over Artificial Intelligence Research

Decent Essays

The controversy of artificial intelligence has been thoroughly debated throughout the years. Research into artificial intelligence, or AI, has continuously been updated, fixed, or broadened. The question is, would artificial intelligence improve and develop our society in a positive way if continued to be researched or would it greatly risk the lives of our species. Some believe that by constructing these advances in AI it could potentially benefit our civilization. However, most see artificial intelligence as a threat and wish to see it stopped. Stephen Hawkings, a famed physicist, indicates that “artificial intelligence might just evolve a little quicker that we’re prone to.” We don’t entirely comprehend how to regulate these superintelligent …show more content…

They control the information that is loaded into the recent machine. If everyday people rely on AI for their news, information, or knowledge then those that control AI will dictate how the population views the world. If you limit yourself to using one source than you’re not going to see the “bigger picture”. Artificial intelligence aids national security. For example, monitoring conversations held, text messages, or emails using sophisticated software that can categorize large volumes of information in a short amount of time, can detect possible dangerous activities. Another example is it can pick out citizens in a crowd by their voice or face. This method would help find a missing person or a criminal that has ran away. Despite the fact artificial intelligence improves national security tremendously, it’s also a serious threat to our liberty. This contradicts the 9th amendment- the guarantee of rights not listed in the Constitution. Keeping humans on surveillance will refute the meaning of the amendment- to live freely. No one wants their entire lives monitored- their every trip, purchase, or conversation. Everyone has the right to privacy. It’s a freedom that we are entitled to. This freedom is why so many flock our

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