
College Essay On Integrity

Decent Essays

Integrity. To me, integrity is being honest to others and to yourself. It’s to have moral uprights. It’s the state of being whole. It’s a word used to describe someone’s level of honesty. No one is gets integrity once they are born. It is developed by good influences actions. Having integrity is doing the right thing is a trustful way. Someone who has integrity means they have a moral compass that leads them in the right direction. They follow their moral judgements and do good things under all circumstances, even if no one pays attention. They would do nothing that dishonors themselves.
Integrity plays a big role in my academic life. Integrity builds trust between teachers and students. Good student-teacher relationships are developed from trust …show more content…

At my grammar school, we had value assemblies and one kid from each grade won an award. In the month for “Integrity” I was voted and won the award. The teacher said I was very honest and did my own work. I never cheated nor did I show anyone my work. It’s true. Whenever the teacher assigned classwork I did it on my own. And whenever one of my classmates would ask me for an answer, I would just tell them to find it on their own. This is because you don’t learn anything when you take someone else’s answer. Believe it or not, dishonesty has occurred in my school life, but it was only one time. My dad and stepmom were babysitting a cat for my stepmom’s sister. The cat’s name is Chloe. She is very cute, but looks can be deceiving. Her collar has a bell that would make a noise everytime she walked. At night, she kept coming into my room, keeping me up all night until I finally kicked her out and shut the door. The next day, at school, my teacher was going over homework that I forgot to do. I had to copy my friend’s answers. My experience of dishonesty wasn’t so serious because at the end of class, I told my teacher what happened and she let me do the previous homework that

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