
Integrity In Elie Wiesel's Mother Night '

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Mother Night Questions 1. Integrity is having a strong moral compass and knowing where your place in the world is. 2. Howard compromises his integrity by lying his whole life and doing propaganda for the Nazi’s. “I committed high treason, crimes against humanity, and crimes against my own conscience, and I got away with them until now” (Vonnegut 29). He has lost his integrity by the end of the novel. “‘Classify me a Nazi’, I say tiredly. ‘Classify away. Hang me,…” (Vonnegut 190). 3. You have to be true to yourself and act like your own self or if you pretend to be someone else you will start acting like a fake you. For example. Howard pretended to be a Nazi for so long, he felt like he had become one. 4. Throughout this novel, Vonnegut uses tricolon parallelism to give a deeper meaning to his story. “I am behind bars. I am behind bars in a nice new jail in old Jerusalem. I am awaiting a fair trial for my war crimes by the Republic of Israel” (Vonnegut 2). “How long ago that war, that Second World War, was! How long ago the crimes in it! How nearly forgotten it is, even by the Jews-the young Jews that is” (Vonnegut 3). 5. …show more content…

Identity in this novel is played with a lot considering Howard has two different identities acting as a double agent. 6. It didn’t bother him to take the propaganda job because he had the mentality of a Nazi and he felt like he was one and it didn’t register in his mind that maybe it would be bad for him to do

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