
William Shakespeare Research Paper

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Known as one of the best poets in the 16th century, William Shakespeare wrote many well-known plays we still act out today. Many people know of or have heard of William Shakespeare. His plays are used and taught in many schools all around the globe. Even though he wrote his plays back then, they still have meaning to us today. His whole life makes up who he is as a playwright.

One of the most renowned playwrights from the 1500’s, William Shakespeare, wrote almost 40 plays from 1590 to 1613. Born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden on April 23, 1564 in Stratford, England. Shakespeare had five siblings. Two of his siblings, which were older, were his sisters Joan and Judith (William Shakespeare.). Shakespeare attended King Edward VI Grammar School in Stratford (Search). He married Anne Hathaway when he was only 18 years old (Search.). Shakespeare had two daughters, Joan and Judith(Search). Judith was born a twin but in boyhood her twin brother had passed away (Search). For seven years of Shakespeare’s life, there is no record of what has happened during this time. They call it the “lost years” and it had happened after his twins were born (Search). …show more content…

In this sonnet, Shakespeare is talking to the reader while at the same time he is expressing himself. “But be contented: when that fell arrest Without all bail shall carry me away,”- (Sonnet 74). In this line of the sonnet, Shakespeare is telling the reader that you should be in a state of happiness. Then the second part of that line is saying, even though you are a prisoner, you should strive to be in a happy state of mind. One way Shakespeare uses metaphors is in line 10, he talks about his body being dead even though he is still living. Shakespeare also uses symbolism. In line 7 he talks about himself even though he uses an example using the

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