
William Shakespeare Research Paper

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William Shakespeare is a very well known writer and English phenomenon. His work is used and taught everyday in English classes around the world. William lived and wrote during the Renaissance period (1485-1625). Between these years the age of exploration began and Christopher Columbus reached the Bahamas in 1492. Another major cultural event that happened between these years was the Black Death. It was the most contagious during the 13th and 14th centuries and killed nearly 350-375 million people in Europe ( These were also the years where the “Arts” flourished, which gave Shakespeare the inspiration and fondness for Poetry and the Dramatic Arts. The Poetry of William Shakespeare was influenced by his early devotion to …show more content… also states that scholars have surmised that he may have also attended King's New School in Stratford. ( World Book also records Shakespeare's writing career from mid 1592 to 1594, London's authorities often closed public theaters because of the repeated outbreaks of the plague. At this time Shakespeare began to write poems. In 1593, Shakespeare long poem “Venus and Adonis” was printed by Richard Field, a Stratford neighbor who had become a London Printer. Field printed Shakespeare's next long poem “The Rape of Lucrece” in 1594. Both poems went through many editions in Shakespeare's lifetime but their success did not lead Shakespeare to give up playwriting. There was some indication that Shakespeare had become well known in London theatrical life in 1592. Sometime after he arrived in London, Shakespeare probably joined one of the cities repertory theater companies. These companies consisted of a permanent cast of actors who presented a variety of plays week after week. These companies were commercial organizations that depended on admission prices for income. They staged most of the plays Londoners attended. (“William Shakespeare” World …show more content…

The poem itself has a lot of metaphors hidden within which shows Shakespeare's true brilliance. The structure of the poem compares the beautiful lover (perhaps his wife) to the warm and bright summer’s day. Each time I re-read it, I will always find new metaphors that will make me want to read it again and again. Even though it is a typical sonnet, I didn't choose it for the obvious reasons. This poem is well-known, but it is only well known because of the mastery and brilliance of its meaning. I chose this poem because of how beautiful it is and how William seemed to hit the perfect Summer’s Day within the image of his lover. The poem is very beautiful and tends to be the most recognised among Shakespeare's poems because of its romantic feel. The Author of the Critical Analysis of Sonnet 18 has the username of Yhalainen and they state how William's poem deals with the effects of beauty and aging over time but her beauty would never

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