
Why I Want to be a Teacher Essay

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Why I Want to be a Teacher School is a major part of our young lives. It is where we spend the majority of our time as youngsters. Children begin to develop relationships with people who have not been apart of their infancy. For someone who does not enjoy school, this could put a damper on their relationships with others as well as their learning achievements in life. This is why I want to become a teacher. I want to develop a learning atmosphere where children feel joy and security. I believe that enjoying and feeling that one belongs is an important part of education. Yes, I used the word that makes some people shiver when heard, education. Education is often viewed as an institution where children are …show more content…

Children are with teachers the majority of the day. Children are influenced by what they see and why they are around. Not only are they teaching them academics, but also manners, sportsmanship, and self worth. These are important factors that children need in everyday life. This is why a teacher’s job is so important. Most would say that teaching would be a hard job. But, I feel that it will be easy if you win your students over. I know that the rewards in the end will out weigh the cost. Watching a student master a new task is the reward I am after. I have always enjoyed school. I enjoy learning new topics as well as helping others understand those topics. I want to teach children to take an interest in school even if it is in only one subject area. By getting them interested I hope to give them the reason they need to get up every morning and put an effort into what they do. The more a student puts into school, the more they will get out of it. I have always wanted to be a parent. I am a newly wed and we plan to have children in the near future. I feel that I will be a great parent because I helped raise my two sisters so I have background with helping children and meeting their needs. As a future educator, I must convince students that I care. I plan to open new doors and introduce ideas that spark interest in their souls. In high school I was forced to pick a major my ninth grade

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