
Two Examples Of Foreshadowing In Hilly's

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One of the examples of foreshadowing is when Minny sees the meter man come to Celia’s house. Celia and Minny cannot immediately identify who it is, so Minny hides in the bathroom.As quoted by, “She looks into the mirror and sees herself there, “crouched like a fool on top of a white lady’s toilet,” ruing that she has been reduced to doing this to make a living.” (Stockett, Kathryn. The Help. New York: Amy Einhorn, 2009. 62.) This foreshadows that Minny will eventually encounter Celia’s husband, Johnny. Another example of foreshadowing is at the start of the story, Hilly refuses to use the bathroom because Aibileen uses it. She mentions her intentions of having every house install a bathroom outside for the maids. This foreshadows the construction

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