
The Salvation Army's Oppression Of Gender Stereotypes

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Wherever we go in life, we are constantly being bombarded with advertisements. It could be a poster for a new store opening up down the street, or a pop-up that appears on our computer screens. Maybe, something that we see between breaks in our tv program, or a billboard that we see driving down the highway. Regardless, of the type they are all around us, drawing our eyes to them, and yanking at our curiosity. However, when immersing yourself in all these advertisements, have you ever taken a moment to stand back and think about what they are truly conveying. The advertisement that is a prime example, was posted by the Salvation Army on Twitter, the ad features the words “Why is it hard to see, black and blue”. Through this ad we as individuals are really challenged to step back for a moment, and think about the message that it is trying to illuminate and spread.

It is clear that the Salvation Army’s purpose for this ad is to bring attention the the abuse that has been afflicted upon this …show more content…

The ad targets viewers between the ages of 13 to 30. This case being the fact that it is more the younger people using social media outlets such as Twitter, and Facebook. However, an argument can be made that it targets all age demographics seeing, as how information is shared so easily nowadays. In another case it can be simply put that this information might be lost on the older generations. The older demographic you try to reach, the lesser the chance of change becomes. It is smarter to target the younger generations who you can still help to shape and mold, and this is exactly what the Salvation Army has done. They have understood that while Domestic Violence is still a problem with older generations, their main focus needs to be the future, leaders, the future adults, who then in turn can teach the future

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