
Analysis Of Pepsi

Decent Essays

In this memo, we will examine comprehensive research on some of the ethical issues that occurred as Pepsi published a commercial that harmed many people. Further, we will discuss how it had a substantial impact on a variety of stakeholders. The issue that occurred was regarding the “black lives matter” and how Pepsi did not take the issues that it still going on in our society into account.

In this ad we see a blonde, bewigged Kendall Jenner in the midst of a photo shoot. Right outside the location of her shoot hundreds of people are flocking by in what looks to be some sort of protest. It is unclear what exactly they are protesting. Many of the people hold signs with peace symbols painted on them. The song …show more content…

In this particular ad Pepsi recreated a scene of a protest, during a time in which the country was divided by the Black Lives Matter campaign. In Pepsi’s protest, people were smiling and laughing and the line of protest was very calm. When Kendall Jenner comes out of the crowd and hands the police officer a Pepsi, everything is immediately solved and everyone starts cheering. Viewers were impacted by this as they believed that Pepsi was trying to say that one can of soda could erase the tension and anger between protesters and police. In reality, the company told viewers, “Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding” (Smith). They want to inspire others to join together to create peace, just as Jenner did when she left her photoshoot to join the protest. Instead, the company sent a message that if a twenty-one-year-old model led the Black Lives Matter campaign with a can of Pepsi, everyone would get along. Activist DeRay McKesson told NBC News correspondent Gabe Gutierrez, "This ad trivializes the urgency of the issues and it diminishes the seriousness and the gravity of why we got into the street in the first place” (Smith). Viewers saw this ad as insensitive as it suggested that the Black Lives Matter protests were unimportant.

Target markets
This ad targets multiple markets, including: all races and religions, as well as people of any age. This is evident because the ad features people

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