
The Policy Of Assimilation Of Aboriginal People

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The policy of assimilation of Aboriginal people was first developed in 1937, by all of the Australian States and the Commonwealth Government during the Aboriginal Welfare conference. During the course of the meeting, the Western Australian Chief Aboriginal Protector, Auber Octavius Neville, concluded that, “In 50 years we should forget that there were any Aborigines in this country” . This proposal meant the total annihilation of Aboriginal people. At the conclusion of this meeting, the agreed desired outcome was for Aboriginal people to be assimilated into white society.
I argue that the ideologies behind The Assimilation Policy were evident since the first white settlers had arrived in 1788. Since first contact, Aboriginal people’s values, customs, beliefs and traditional way of life began to erode. From the 1850s onwards, Aboriginal people were forced onto reserves, and then into towns and cities in the mid 20th century . Many people feared that the ‘Australian’ culture was being affected by immigrants. Since the early 1900s, there had been a ‘White Australia’ policy and assimilation was expected upon arrival. However, Aboriginal people did not immigrate, so their policy, dictated by the Australian States and Commonwealth Government was known as The Policy of Assimilation. Assimilation policies were supported by racist assumptions and represented by settler nationalist imperatives . In the 1950s, assimilation policies for Aboriginal people were supported by the

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