
Essay The Chicano View on Mexican Immigration

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During the 1970’s, Mexican Americans were involved in a large social movement called the "Chicano movement." Corresponding with the great development of the black civil rights movement, Mexican Americans began to take part in a series of different social protests in which they demanded equal rights for themselves. Composed mainly of Mexican American students and youth, these activists focused on maintaining a pride for their culture as well as their ethnicity to fuel their political campaign. Left out of this campaign initially though were Mexican immigrants. As is made clear in the writings of David Gutierrez, since the beginning of large amounts of Mexican immigration, Mexican Americans have opposed supporting Mexican immigrants. …show more content…

This new identity automatically gave everyone something in common which in turn made the group of activists stronger, and more identifiable as a whole. There was also the Plan of Aztlan, where Aztlan (the area interpreted as "lost territories" that Mexico surrendered to the United States after the United States – Mexico war ended in 1848) represented the symbolic territorial base of the Chicano people. The Plan of Aztlan did something for the Chicanos that contradicted their previous belief that they needed to get assimilated within the American society. If anything, Aztlan somewhat diminished and rejected any connection Chicanos had with American culture and society. Along with the changes within the movement, another momentum increasing factor was the Cisneros case ruling that "Mexican Americans constituted an "identifiable minority group" … and are entitled to "special federal assistance" (Gutierrez, 186). These reformations of ideas and opinions all lead to a smaller movement within the Chicano movement. Many of the activists were coming to the realization that Mexican immigration was becoming a major civil rights controversy;

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