
The Chicano Movement, A Civil Rights Movement

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The Chicano movement, also known as El Movimiento, was a civil rights movement that began in the 1960s with a primary objective of attaining empowerment and self-determination as well as rejecting and confronting the history of racism, discrimination and disenfranchisement of the Mexican-American community and was much more militant than movements prior to it. Some issues the Chicano movement dealt with were farm workers’ rights, political rights, better education and restoration of land grants. Additionally, the movement sought to gain social equality and economic opportunity. The movement strove to tackle the stereotype the media and America synonymized with Mexicans. The Chicano movement was influenced by progress made in movements such as the Black Power Movement, antiwar movement and various others. Those who grew up before the start of the Chicano movement believed that assimilating into the American lifestyle and adopting their values, ideals and believing in their education and politics would help them become more white. The Mexican American community faced segregation in all parts of life. “Chicano” was used as a derogatory term towards Mexican Americans before the Chicano movement in the 1960s. Organizations formed in the early 1900s, such as the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), sought to end discrimination and segregation against Latinos. The Chicano Movement did not start at one exact moment because of one action, but rather it grew over time

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