
The Cask Of Amontillado :

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Chiara Cappelletti Professor Vega English 201-1112 February 8th THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO 5) Are individuals ever justified in taking justice into their own hands? Being raised based with Catholic principles implies that certain values, such as the respect for a persons life, became part of my own identity. Therefore, I personally believe that no one has the right to decide whether or not someone deserves to die. However, I believe that values and principles are the product of the society we are belonging to, and that each society (at every point in time) has a different understanding of the meaning of “justice”. In ancient Greece, for example, men venerated Dikē ( Δίκη, that Romans later called “Iustitia”), the goddess who was representing the divine justice, regulating the human behaviors, guaranteeing the respect of moral and juridical norms and deciding about humans’ fate (death or life). Later, during the medieval period, the chivalric code permitted the “honor killing” as a legitimate way to avenge a dishonor or an insult upon oneself or a family member. A practice that is still in use today in various regions, sometimes tolerated by governing authorities (e.g. in some countries in the Middle East, where women are killed after committing adultery or otherwise bringing dishonor to the husband or the family). Today, the discussion about the death penalty in some states in the USA (New York abolished it only in the 2007) is serving as an example how

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