
Who Is To Blame For The Cask Of Amontillado

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“The Cask of Amontillado” is a very attention-grabbing and shocking short story written by Edgar Allan Poe. Poe was born in Boston in 1809 and orphaned by both parents at the age of two. He was taken in by the Allan family, and even though he was never legally adopted, the Allan family still treated Edgar as their own child. Edgar had a failed military career, and this lead him to becoming an author. He is best known for his poetry and short stories. In his story of “The Cask of Amontillado” the ending leaves you with a tale of murder committed with no witnesses and no one ever finding the resting place of Fortunato. “The Cask of Amontillado”: For half of a century no mortal has disturbed them. At least that was the case until one pleasant …show more content…

In his many years of service to Montresor, the groundskeeper had often wondered about the vaults and what it would be like to go inside. Montresor had always told his groundskeeper that the vaults were not to be entered under any circumstances. Well needless to say curiosity got the best of the groundskeeper, and he went inside. As he walked, very slowly trying to listen for anyone approaching from behind, down the stairs through the darkness because he did not want any light to be seen from a distance, and as he reached the bottom of the stairs he tripped upon something that was laying in the vault floor. Unable to steady himself the groundskeeper stumbled into the wall and upon impact with the wall many stones came tumbling down on top of him. In fear that he had destroyed something very important or even valuable to Montresor, he pulled a match out of his pocket, so he could light it and he could see what damage he had done in the vault. Horrified by the damage he had done, he began to …show more content…

He feared losing his job or even worse depending on the temperament of Montresor for that day. He decided that he should just go to Montresor and let him know what has happened. He feels that Montresor will realize that he meant no harm and would forgive him for his trespass. The groundskeeper makes his way to the main house where Montresor is sitting in his parlor having a drink and a cigar. He explains to Montresor the events of the day and his damage that has been done to the vaults. Montresor is shocked and wondering whom he should say it is laying in the stone walls. He cannot believe that after all these years that have passed that his crime may be uncovered and that he may be seen for the man that he truly is. Montresor asks for the groundskeeper to keep this incident to himself and that he should go with him to the vaults so that they can see how much damage is done and what will be required to repair the stone wall. The groundskeeper agrees to go back to the vault with Montresor but has no idea what is up Montresor sleeve, planning to bury him in the stone

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