
The Byzantine Empire : The Fall Of The Roman Empire

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My chosen topic is the fall of the Roman Empire and reasons that it fell, including looking at the reasons for the split in the Empire in c. 312- 395 CE and how the eastern half managed to survive for so much longer before finally falling. I am interested in this area as before when learning about the Roman Empire we never cover that it had broken in two and the Byzantine Empire was what remained of the Roman Empire, we also never look into how the empire stopped, just that it did. The fall is mainly attributed to the weakness of the Roman army against the surrounding who were growing stronger and managed to invade the city of Rome and kill the last Emperor, Romulus Augusts, but this is only the end result of the many factors that lead to the weakening of the Empire. The death of Romulus Augusts however led only to the fall of the western Roman Empire, the later named Byzantine Empire lasted until the 15th Century.
Another reason I chose do the impact of Christianity on the Roman Empire, is because I was interested in seeing how Christianity rose from being prosecuted to becoming the main religion of the Empire. Also, to see if there was any correlation between the rise of Christianity and the fall of the Empire. That is the reason that Christianity is the factor in my question as a believe it has a big impact on the fall of the Empire, while I do not think that it was the final cause I think it defiantly had a part to play. My aim to learn what factors played a role in the

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