
Rome's Fall : The Fall Of The Roman Empire

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Rome’s Fall The Roman Empire was one of the greatest empires around it’s time period. They ruled their region with an overpowering military force. They also had compelling agriculture and religion. Much of their music, clothes, and other agriculture continued on throughout other empires. They shaped the world with their beliefs and ideas and without this empire the world would be very different. There were strong Roman emperors and also horrible emperors who ruined the empire. Caesar and Constantine were among the most popular emperors of Rome. Constantine ruled later in the Empires lifetime while Caesar earlier. The death of Caesar had a huge impact on this empire. Constantine gave the Roman Empire the main religion of Christianity. This questioned the original beliefs of the Romans. They totally changed their culture. Towards the fall of the Roman Empire, the empire was split into two parts. This weakened their strong military force and led to an invasion. Evidently this caused Rome’s fall. The Roman Empires fall was due to the death of Caesar, mass poverty among Rome’s citizens, rise of Christianity, split of empires, and the invasions of the barbarians. Caesar was one of the Roman Empires greatest rulers. He led the Empire so it was strong and prosperous. Caesar was a part of the Triumvirate which was an alliance formed by three generals: Julius Caesar, Marcus Crassus, and Gnaeus Pompey. They each had a portion of the empire they ruled. Caesar was the most favored of

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