
The Benefits Of Wind Energy

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One of the main contributors of the increasing demand for energy is the fast global economic growth. Other conventional fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas which have been a key source of energy since industrial revolution, are not only facing depletion but they have become a source of concern regarding its serious adverse effect on our environment (Abbassi, Premalatha, Abbassi & Abbassi,2013). Hence, the pursuit to develop renewable and clean energy sources, such as solar, wind and hydro power is energy needed. Wind power is considered as one of the cleanest sources of energy, with mild impacts on the environment, on wildlife and on human life, as far as the production of electricity from modern wind turbines is concerned (Leung &Yang,2011).
2. A brief history on wind energy
The earliest form of the use of wind energy by humans is the use of natural breeze to dry and cool the body with or without the help of sunlight. Wind energy has a history of more than 3000 years old, and people began to use it to generate electrical power about 120 years ago. When people learned how to make boats, wind energy was used to help sail the boats. Indeed for several thousand years wind was used as a source of transportation energy in this manner, the speed and the direction of the boats and ships were controlled by the number and the orientation of their sails (Leung &Yang, 2011).
In Egypt, people began to use windmills to pump water. Chinese farmers started to use wind wheels

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