
The Energy Of Wind Energy

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The main purpose of the wind energy is to create energy source which is pollution free and come with a reasonable price. The wind energy used in wind turbines are increasing their demand and becoming popular in the green energy world. Since the rebirth or rapid growth of wind energy took place from early 1980. The growth of the industry has been more than expectations. As all the good things the wind energy poses certain negative impacts of having high maintainer cost. Repair and data collection should be monitored regularly of the turbine to get the idea of placing a new wind energy plant or to maintain the old one. This paper explains the modeling of Wind Energy Conversion Systems and their technologies which is used for the generation of wind power and control strategies of the conversion system. INTRODUCTION:-
Energy is considered as one of the most important factor to run the world. Most of the energy or large part of it are generated by the fossil fuel, which are being used from a long time which are causing a major problem in environmental and the damage done is not reversible. As the fossil fuel are damaging and are also limited in quantity available, so the need of alternate energy was needed. Wind energy is considered as low effects on the environment and growing faster day by day which is considered as quarter in last few decades. The process of capturing is considered as easy as and less damaging than the other energy sources. Wind power is taken

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