
Texting And Driving On Distracted Driving

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Living in a world full of new technology being made and thought of is starting to be the main cause of why the universe is losing so many of our teens and young adults to texting and driving Technology is also improving in different ways that people can not keep up with it. In 2013 about 3,154 people died in an accident with a distracted driver(CDC Prevention). Many laws have been issued to decrease the amount of deaths by distracted drivers. On September 30, 2009 President Barack Obama made an executive order banning federal employees to not text and drive on government business or equipment (CDC Prevention). States are trying to create laws to ban inexperienced drivers and adults from being distracted while driving to lower the amount of …show more content…

Especially in teenage drivers technology has taken a major toll on a lot of their lives and their parents lives. Technology is killing many people in the new century, and more and more technology is being produced right this minute. Technology helps us in many good ways and many bad ways depending on the circumstances. Distracted driving endangers life and property and the current levels of injury and loss are unacceptable (FCC). Teenage male drivers are one and a half times more likely to die in car crashes than teenage female drivers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many teenagers try and focus on capturing the moments they have in a car by using snapchat not paying any attention to their surroundings. Adults are not really into things like snapchat and instagram but they also use their phones as a distraction from the road. Studied have found having inexperienced drivers on the road is increasing the amount of deaths caused by a distracted driver. Inexperienced drivers try to focus on everything else but what they need to which is the road and their surroundings. Teens are new to driving and should pay attention to the road more than their phones because they are new to handing a vehicle. Researchers have found the age range of deaths due to distracted drivers is 16-20 years old. Throughout the years the deaths of …show more content…

Social media is also causing the deaths of many teens and adults because people want to stay with all the new things happening in the world. Social media tools are designed to distract us from mortality and up reminding us in a particularly vivid manner that life is a sequence of losses (Daily Telegraph). Snapchat advertises on one of its filters to not text and drive but people still do it. Many teens distract themselves with social media for others to know how they are living and what they have in life. It's clear that, for teenagers, spending too much time online can really deter social and educational development, the internet world is such that there is alway something new to do and to distract one from one's responsibilities (The Danger of Teen Internet Addiction). Getting addicted to something is very hard to break away from. The internet is a new drug to many teens and adults of society nowadays. Mark Zuckerberg created the social media app, Facebook, on February 4, 2004. It attracted many people to sign up and make an account. Another app created was Myspace on August 1st 2003. Social media has influenced how today's teens look upon life. Teenagers tend to think everything they see on social

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