
Texting And Driving While Driving

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Texting in cars and trucks causes over 3,000 deaths and 330,000 injuries per year, according to a Harvard Centre for Risk Analysis study.
Texting while driving a vehicle has now replaced drinking while driving as the leading cause of accidents and deaths of teenage drivers. Texting in traffic isn’t simply a problem among teens and 47% of adults admit that they text while driving. Texting drivers are 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash than non-texting drivers (Driving while Texting Six Times More Dangerous than Driving while Drunk, 2014).
A mobile phone while driving is not only physically distracting, but visually distracting as well. A driver is physically distracted as their hand is moved from the steering wheel to pick up the phone, answer or end the call, or type a message. A mobile phone visually distracts the driver as their eyes are taken off the road to look at the phone, when typing a message or reading (Service, 2013).
As a vehicle’s speed increases, so does the distance travelled during the driver’s reaction time and the distance needed to stop. Also, the higher the speed, the greater the amount of kinetic energy that must be absorbed by the impact in a crash. Therefore, as well as being identified as a causal factor in around 40 % of fatal crashes, speed is an aggravating factor in the severity of all crashes.
As speed increases - so does the distance travel while brain is processing information and reacting to it – and so does the distance

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