
Terminally Ill Patients Research Paper

Decent Essays

Terminally Ill Patient’s Rights Terminally ill patients should have the right to have a doctor help assist them with their suicide. The patients who suffer have the right to determine their fates, when to end the suffering, and how to reduce hospital bills for their families. When determining one’s fate, the patients get to choose when they want to pass. Terminally ill patients suffer tremendously during their time of need. The patient’s look to help their families, instead of putting a burden on them. They try to keep them from having to pay their bills after they have passed. Allowing the patients to choose assisted suicide lets them put an end to their pain and suffering. Patients want to be able to control some factors of their lives. They should be able to choose when they want to pass. Some patients may want to live longer for their families, others may not have any family or just choose to leave early. There are so many reasons to why a patient would want to stay or go. Letting the patients have some control over their lives may help them gain some comfort. Helping the patients live out the rest of their lives their way is necessary. …show more content…

The pain itself can over power the medicine and not help the patients. The patients can become immune to the medication given, and not help them anymore. High dosages of medicine can also harm the body, while trying to help it. When talking about medicine, some patients may not have the money for it. Pain medication is very expensive when dealing with higher dosages. Even, when the patients have insurance, some insurance companies will not pay for the medicine the patient needs. Suffering due to not being able to pay for medication is not what the patients want or need during their time of need. Being comfortable and stress free is what the patients thrive to

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