
Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal Essay

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The process of assisted suicide, or physician-assisted death, is a hotly debated topic that still remains at the forefront of many national discussions today. Assisted suicide can be described as the suicide of patient by a physician-prescribed dose of legal drugs. The reason that this topic is so widely debated is that it infringes on several moral and religious values that many people in the United States have. But, regardless of the way that people feel, a person’s right to live is guaranteed to them in the United States Constitution, and this should extend to the right to end their own life as well. The reasons that assisted suicide should be legalized in all states is because it can ease not only the suffering of the individual, but the financial burden on the family that is supporting him/her. Regardless of opposing claims, assisted suicide should be an option for all terminally ill patients. One of the main reasons that assisted suicide should be legalized in all states of the United States is that provides an end to the suffering that many people with terminal illnesses face. Many people in America spend extended periods of time in the hospital in agony due to their inability to end their life. Imagine the horror of watching a family member slowly suffering due to their condition and not being able to stop their pain. This is what happened to Matthew Donnelly. He was a scientist who studied X-Rays, and that lead to him being diagnosed with skin cancer. The skin

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