
Summary Of Drinking By Caroline Knapp

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The book, Drinking: A Love Story by Caroline Knapp, depicts a hardworking, strong, but interestingly weak Caroline. Caroline through her memoir shares her life story and her life relevance with alcohol. She writes her life as a functional alcoholic. She compares her addiction to alcohol to love. Throughout her memoir Caroline also described her journey through her excessive and misuse of alcohol. She describes the hardships that this has caused and how it has affected her, and her relationships. Her life revolved around it, and she was consumed by it. Alcohol ruled her life in many aspects for many years. Regardless of the overpowering of alcohol, Caroline showed to be a strong woman. Strong, because for the most part she maintained a well put social well-being mask for many years. As her drinking increased more and more out of control, she had to work harder to hide the effects it was taking on her life. Caroline started to drink when she was a teenager and continued until the age of 36, until she hit bottom and could no longer cope with her life-style and went to a rehabilitation facility. In her story, she describes herself as …show more content…

This then fueled her dependence on alcohol, which served as a way to deal with uncomfortable stage of her life. In addition, during this time, both her parents had died which further increased her drinking. By this time, she was getting drunk every night and having blackouts. However, until one day, her drinking got under control, when she came very close to seriously injuring the daughters of her close friend. After this distressing incident, she starts to describe her journey to sobriety. Upon entering rehab, she also started attended daily meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. Caroline writes that every day continued to be a struggle, but she was finally able to live her life as she wanted

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