
Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

In the works of Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” uses numerous persuasive techniques and biblical allusions. Edwards’ sermon lectures Puritans, people who strictly pursue to live by the bible, on how they are straying from the path of the bible. During his sermon, the Puritans were terrified of what he had said ,because every little sin each Puritan had committed they thought they were going to go to Hell. Edwards’ play on words, as well as his use of persuasive techniques, and biblical allusion convinced the Puritans that they were severely in trouble of going to Hell. The persuasive techniques that Edwards used were very effective in the way he presented them to the Puritans. When the Puritans listened to Edwards’ sermon they were either screaming or crying because of the effect the techniques that he used. Furthermore, Edwards’ speaking tone was monotone, but he used impactful words to successfully get his point across without raising or lowering his tone of voice. This represented how effective his speaking techniques were. For instance, “there is Hell’s wide gaping mouth open; and you have nothing to stand upon,” (Edwards 87) which was all …show more content…

Throughout the sermon there are many of these biblical allusions. For instance, Edwards refers to the “wrath of God is like great waters,” (Edwards 88) which is related to the flood when the Earth was full of sin. To the Puritans, Edwards had insulted the way they have lived for many years. Another way Edwards included biblical allusions were when he pointed out to the Puritans “to fly out of Sodom,” (Edwards 91) which represents how the community was filled with sin and not looking back at the bad and moving onto the new. There are a variety of biblical allusions used in Edwards sermon from the flood to the city of Sodom. Edwards included real type situations with fear to prompt the Puritans to live a less sinful

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