
Jonathan Edwards Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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Jonathan Edwards piece, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, serves as a purpose to tell the sinners during the Great Awakening period that they need to turn back to God. It is not only a work in which tells those who did not worship God, that they should, it was also expressing how God was angry with the way people were acting. Edwards was a minister who delivered this sermon in order to inform the people on the sins they were committing and they should change their behavior so God wouldn’t punish them. Now, although this sermon was directed to the sinners in the world that didn’t stop others from hearing the message so that they wouldn’t sin and be punished. Throughout this piece rhetoric is heavily used in order to scare the people in multiple ways. Edwards uses his words and rhetoric in order to “scare” the people to wanting to follow the teachings of God. When addressing to …show more content…

Throughout the sermon, Edwards scares people in a threatening tone stating they are going to hell if they aren’t willing to listen to his warning. As Edwards states, “...over the pit of hell;” (46). This is not saying that everyone is being held over that pit, it is only those who were not reborn and refuse to be reborn. Edwards believes that if you are not reborn that you are as dead to God as the people who are already in the fiery pit known as hell. Not only does this show that Edwards believes in being reborn, but it also shows the historical context of how people in the Great Awakening felt towards God and the puritan life. When speaking towards the people Edwards is harsh in his tone towards how hateful

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