
Reflection Of My Culture, Identity, And Cultural Identity

Decent Essays

Cultural identity is derived from various aspects in one’s life, and it is what differentiates us from other people. No other person will ever be able to better exemplify our inherent and natural personal self-identity. Our culture is formed by not only our family history, but our life choices as well. Our lives are a reflection of the choices we have made, so we get to choose how we identify ourselves as well. Family, school, my country, and the year I was born in are all examples of what have built my cultural background. Family plays a big role in how I identify myself culturally, but my life experiences have equally constructed who I am. I am a Mexican-American who was raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. I identify myself as a Latina since both my parents are Mexicans, and I have always recognized my ethnicity as Hispanic. I have an older brother from Hollywood, California, and a younger sister from Las Vegas, Nevada. My mother is from the state Durango, which is located in Northern Mexico. My father is from Jalisco, Mexico, which is located in the west central part of the Mexican Republic. Both my parents grew up in humble small towns and came to the United States for citizenship and a better future in the 1980s. They both lived and met in southern California and later moved to Las Vegas because of better job opportunities. My entire family has continued to live in Las Vegas and I have never lived anywhere else. Furthermore, Mexicans are often stereotyped to look a certain way, and my physical appearance does not fall under that category. Mexicans are typically racially categorized as “brown people” with dark hair and eyes. I contradict that stereotype because I am very light skinned, with light hair, and light brown eyes. Most of my physical characteristics come from my father’s side of the family because almost all of them are light-skinned. Many people are light-skinned in Jalisco, Mexico because many immigrants from Europe moved to Northern Mexico during the 19th and 20th centuries. Indeed, since we live in a culture that values whiteness, my skin color gave me privileges that other Hispanics never had. Growing up, I saw how people treated me differently than my siblings because of the color of my

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