
Recess Physical Activity Packs In Schools

Decent Essays

Summary The purpose of the study in the article Recess Physical Activity Packs in Elementary Schools is to see how incorporating fitness equipment impacts student activity during the 150-minute recess time. The researchers also wanted to determine the perception of teachers and principals. From a total of 4 elementary schools, 12 participants were selected. Of these 12 participants, there was one male teacher and three female teachers. From the students, there were two female students and two male students. Four principals were the last selected, they were all female. Purposeful sampling was the technique used to select all of the participants. A 60-minute interview was conducted with each participant to gather information. These interviews were non-threatening, open-ended, and non-leading. Therefore, each participant was able to give their true thoughts and perceptions on the addition of physical activity packs in their schools. The participants also got to go over and make …show more content…

The boys participated in more active play than the girls did before the activity packs. After the packs were added, girls participated in activities like jump rope, and boys participated in structured sports. The activity packs eliminated the standing around and unstructured play by incorporating appropriate equipment for them to better manipulate. This also made it easier for the teachers to organize games ahead of time for the students. After the activity packs, teachers were more involved with instruction during recess. Some principals required teachers to have activities planned in their lesson plans, while other principals were less strict. A workshop for teachers was added into their training. This helped them discover new activities and games to teach and show their students. These physical activity packs did increase physical activity for

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